Dirk's Tech Findings

Thought-provoking Impulse: Challenges in the enterprise

Publication date: 2021-03-12

Working in an enterprise environment with hundreds of people is interesting. Such a company is like a living organism. Its parts are (hopefully...) working together towards the common goal: serving the needs of the customers and earning more money than is being spent.

But what needs to be done to run such a company efficiently? In my experience, the following are major factors:

Challenge 1: create an environment for each person to excel

A company is only as good as its employees. Make sure to make use of their talents, experience, and intrinsic motivation by providing the right environment for them to thrive and excel.

Challenge 2: scale the organization efficiently

All parts of the company should contribute to the same targets. This requires proper alignment by having exellent information flow and communication. In practice, this is incredibly hard to achieve.

Challenge 3: do not set the wrong incentives

Be careful what you write into vendor contracts and what KPIs you define. Your intentions might be good, the effect can harm your organization considerably. For example, you might define well measureable topics like adherence to milestones at the cost of important but not well measureable aspects like quality.

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