Dirk's Tech Findings

LiberKey: Run from network drive

Ansible: grafana_create_datasource yields TypeError

Linux: IPv6 addresses disappear on interface down

Bird: Babel protocol does not work with WireGuard

Let's encrypt: Renewal fails when using DNS for validation

Samba: Rename a user in Samba AD

Sitecopy: using sftp with Sitecopy non-interactively

Thunderbird: Deleting mails is very slow

OpenVPN: "dh key too small"

Proxmox/ZFS: Containers do not start after upgrade

Saltstack: salt-ssh fails on host with Python 3.8

xpra: "Xvfb command has terminated"

Python pip: Constantly failing with "Import Error"

py2exe: "IndexError: tuple index out of range"

Busybox: ping yields "name does not resolve"